+61 (0)412 500 817
8/5 Ilhan Lane, Brunswick
VIC 3056

Shin Ma FInd your path to wellbeing
The name Shin Ma is comprised of two Japanese characters, shin (神) meaning spirit and ma (間) meaning the space between things. When we make space in our lives for self care, we can hear what our body is trying to tell us and with greater self knowledge make clearer choices. At Shin Ma you are supported to connect with your body’s natural healing ability so you can achieve your full potential.
Three branches one stem

Shiatsu is a traditional Japanese body therapy based on the same principles as acupuncture. The word shiatsu can be translated as 'finger (shi) pressure (atsu)'. Sustained pressure is applied through clothing to relieve tension and stimulate the body’s natural healing potential.
Book NowTouch one thing deeply and everything is there.
Thich Nhat Hanh

Japanese acupuncture uses very fine, sterile needles to correct the flow of ki (also known as qi or chi) within the body. Japanese style acupuncture is unique in its commitment to pain free, shallow or non-insertive acupuncture techniques. This makes it suitable for everyone including babies and young children.
Book NowHow can I be still? By flowing with the stream.

Herbal Medicine
Chinese herbal medicine has a long history of use dating back over 2000 years. Individualised formulas are prescribed according to the patient's specific needs and taken as a tea or in pill or capsule form.
Book NowThat which abounds, discharge it; that which is depleted, supplement it.
Suwen 74
“Dig the well before you are thirsty”
By learning what keeps you healthy and correcting systemic imbalances before they become disease, you are supporting yourself at the deepest level. Incorporating these treatments into your life may assist with your pathway to good health and help to keep you there.
Book an appointmentWurundjeri Country
I acknowledge that I live and work on the unceded land of the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung people who have their own continuous culture of medicine and healing.
+61 (0)412 500 817
8/5 Ilhan Lane
Victoria 3056